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Sandy Beach

What is scoliosis?


Scoliosis is a sideways curvature and rotation of the spine. Symptoms of scoliosis may include uneven shoulders or waist, one shoulder blade sticking out more than the other, and an asymmetrical appearance of the spineMost scoliosis are mild and don't cause problems, however some can worsen as a child grows or later in life, and in severe cases can lead to discomfort, pain and breathing difficulties. The most aggressive period of growth is during puberty where curves can progress quickly and it's important to identify curves as early as possible.


Treatment options for scoliosis depend on the severity of the curvature and the age of the individual. Mild cases may only require monitoring and/or scoliosis exercises, while more severe cases may involve a combination of scoliosis exercises and bracing or surgical intervention to straighten and stabilize the spine. Early detection and appropriate management are crucial in addressing scoliosis effectively. If you suspect scoliosis, it is important to consult with a specialised healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.


What is Physiotherapeutic scoliosis specific exercises (PSSE)?


Ellen is a Physiotherapist trained in both Scolibalance and Schroth based exercises (Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School) and has completed a Masters in Scoliosis (ISICO). 


The primary aim of scoliosis specific exercise is to stop the progression of curves, decrease pain or associated symptoms, improve symmetry of the trunk and if possible, reduce the size of the curve. The exercises are suitable for both adolescents and adults with scoliosis or hyperkyphosis (eg. scheuermann's disease).


Scolibalance corrective exercise is focused on treating your specific scoliosis curve with specialised corrective exercises. You will be taught movements to correct your curve, exercises to strengthen your spine in a corrected position and how to incorporate this into your everyday life. 


Schroth based exercises were developed initially by Katharina Schroth in the 1920's and has been found to help prevent scoliosis curves from advancing. The focus of treatment is to de-rotate, elongate and stabilise the spine in a 3D plane. The exercises focus on restoring muscular symmetry and alignment of posture, breathing into the concave (closed) side the body and teaching you to be aware of your posture (in a corrected position).


What to expect during your sessions?


The initial appointment will be spent getting to know you and your spine. Before we can start exercise sessions we need to know what we're dealing with. 


Over the course of your sessions, we will do one-on-one targeted exercises which is a combination of both Scolibalance corrections and Schroth based exercise (expect some homework too to maintain the benefit!). This will teach you techniques you can use in all aspects of your life to help manage your scoliosis long-term.


The length of the sessions (45-60mins) and program will vary depending on the patients tolerance and the extent of the scoliosis.


If you notice any changes to yourself or your childs spine it is important to be assessed as soon as possible to reduce the risk of progression. Enquire now for more information of how physiotherapeutic scoliosis specific exercises can help your scoliosis 

Scoliosis Management

Scoliosis specific exercises demonstrating Schroth technique
Scoliosis specific exercises demonstrating Schroth technique
Scoliosis specific exercises demonstrating seated scolicorrection
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